Ethnologue is the comprehensive reference work that catalogs all the known living languages in the world today. Contains overview of primary names, alternate names, dialect names, country overviews, number of speakers, and maps. The library does not have a digital subscription to this resource, however there are non-circulating print copies available at the YRL Reading Reference Room.
If you need a reference grammar of a specific language from the library, search for the following subject terms in the UCLA Library Catalog:
XXXX language grammar
E.g. Kannada language grammar; Igbo language grammar; Tagalog language grammar; etc. The search will lead to books with that subject heading.
If you need a dictionary of a specific language from the library, search for the following subject terms in the UCLA library catalog:
XXXX dictionaries (e.g. Tajik dictionaries; Hungarian dictionaries)
XXXX XXXX dictionaries (e.g. Tajik English dictionaries; Hungarian French dictionaries)
The search will lead to books that have that subject heading.