Patent Tutorials
Access to Beilstein's Handbuch der Organischen Chemie, and Gmelin's Handbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. Provides chemical data on organic substances and reactions, including structures, properties, bioactivity records, preparation details and specific reaction pathways; also provides citations and some abstracts to the primary organic chemistry literature.The MarvinSketch structure editor works with the campus VPN, but not the proxy server.
SciFinder-n is the new interface for the most comprehensive index to the chemical literature and related sciences, including chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, & nanotechnology. Search 52 million article, patent, and conference references, the CAS Registry of 161 million chemical substances (many include property data) & CASREACT database of 126 million chemical reactions and preparations. Search by topic, reaction, or chemical substance (Registry number, structure, substructure). Already registered? Go directly to SciFinder-n.