Research assistance in the social sciences and humanities is available at the Charles E. Young Research Library. See Reference and Research Help for complete reference service options.
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. You can request materials from anywhere in the world using the Interlibrary Loan service — you don't even have to specify where it's coming from — but it may take weeks or months to get here, and extremely rare materials may not be available for loan.
Below is a selection of e-books and e-book collections. Some are freely available, others are subscription services, so remote access may be necessary when accessing from off-campus.
Immense array of books, chapters, conference proceedings and journal articles in the social sciences and sciences, published by Springer-Verlag. After searching, unclick Preview Only Content, whose materials are not under UCLA subscription. Advanced search enabled at wheel icon to right of search.
Fifteen databases, plus individual journals and e-books. Includes 2011-present IEEE-Wiley books.
UCLA dissertations, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
YRL Stacks and SRLF LD791.9.N3
Click the links below to see Library of Congress Romanization tables, which you will need in order to locate UCLA Library holdings: