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James O. Page Collection in Library Special Collections

Get Involved

James O. Page standing in front of white desk wearing blue Hawaiaan print shirt

Help Build the Collection

In order to build the James O. Page Collection and create a national archive and library for history of EMS research, we need your help.

Contact us to

  • loan photographs and other items to be digitized and returned
  • donate correspondence, photographs, books, reports, runs of journals and newsletters, and other archival and library material
  • recommend EMS leaders for us to contact about their archives
  • suggest topics we should document
  • suggest links for the website
  • learn about other institutions and organizations which collect historical EMS items
  • support the James O. Page Charitable Foundation, whose projects include expanding the James O. Page Collection Endowment at UCLA and providing scholarships for the Foundation’s James O. Page Project for Leadership Development

Research Opportunities

The UCLA Library offers competitive fellowship programs which help faculty, students, and independent scholars come to Los Angeles to use our research collections. Research in the James O. Page Collection is eligible for UCLA Library Special Collections Short-term Research Fellowships.


  • Contact us to plan a visit (we do not have a permanent exhibit for the Collection, but will work with visitors to identify and view interesting items)
  • Plan ahead – some materials are stored off-site and require one or more workdays to retrieve; budgetary restrictions may impact service hours for the library
  • Library Special Collections, the home of the Page Collection, is open weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Contact Us