Though not focused solely on Los Angeles, these databases contain some community news sources that include coverage of Los Angeles publications and news stories.
Full text publications focusing on the impact of gender across multiple subject areas. Include scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, and more.
Full text of more than 1000 open access alternative publications from the 1960s-1980s covering feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Latinos, LGBTQ+ activists, and more.
Contains indexing and abstracts for LGBTQ-specific core periodicals, core books and reference works. In addition, other source-types such as grey literature, including newsletters, case studies, speeches, etc. are represented. Former database title: LGBT Life.
Full text collection of leading Hispanic newspapers, news wires, websites, and blogs from US publishers in Spanish or English. Includes full contents of U.S. Hispanic Newsstand.