COVID-19 Data is Now Available in SimplyAnalytics
As COVID-19 spreads across the United States researchers need access to the latest data visualization and analytics tools. As a result, the SimplyAnalytics team just added COVID-19 data at the national, state, and county levels to SimplyAnalytics. The data is from and we update it daily with the latest numbers.
The following data variables are now available in SimplyAnalytics:
- Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by date
- Prevalence of confirmed COVID-19 cases (per 100,000 individuals) by date
- Deaths from COVID-19 by date
- Prevalence of deaths from COVID-19 (per 100,000 individuals) by date
You can find the COVID-19 data in SimplyAnalytics in two places:
- [recommended] Go to the Data tab, click on the "Data Folder" view (located just below the data search box), then scroll to the bottom of the list of data folders, or
- Go to the Data tab, click on the Health category icon, then check the box next to COVID-19 in the list of health sub-categories
This data can be combined with our demographic and health data variables to identify areas with vulnerable residents, such as the elderly, people with respiratory illnesses, and smokers.
Here are the best ways to view this data in SimplyAnalytics:
- Map View: map the COVID-19 data by County or State
- Ranking View: rank all counties in the United States to identify areas with the highest counts or rates of COVID-19
- Comparison Table View: add your counties and states and any COVID-19 variables to this report to compare rates over time
- Related Data Table View: add one variable from a folder to this view and the rest will be added automatically