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Contemporary Music Score Collection Guide

How to use and search the Contemporary Music Score Collection

Matthew Vest

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Matthew Vest
Subjects: Music & Dance


This guide is intended to accompany UCLA's Contemporary Music Score Collection on eScholarship. Find more information on the Collection Page on the Library website. 

Published by the UCLA Music Library in eScholarship, the Contemporary Music Score Collection includes the digital, open access scores from the Contemporary Score Edition series, the first open access edition of new music published by a library, and scores from the Kaleidoscope 2020 Call for Scores, an open access collaboration with the UCLA Music Library.

You may suggest additions to this guide by contacting the guide owners.

This guide was created by Rachel Boehl in fall 2020. 

How to Search the Collection

  1. On the top left corner of the main page of the collection, click on the search bar, and type in your search criteria
  2. Before clicking the search button, select the option to search only in “This Series” 

  • Should other search results get through the “This Series” filter, select the “Department” tab on the right side of the search results page and select “UCLA Music Library”


More Search Tips

  • Selecting a composer's name from any search result will bring you to all entries they are associated with on eScholarship, including publications not related to the Contemporary Score Edition. 

  • Searching for an instrument name, such as “Viola,” will bring back any result that contains the word “Viola” in any part of the score, not exclusively the title.
    • This search brings back 2,431 results, including solos for viola, chamber works, as well as pieces for viola de gamba and orchestra. 

  • Searching by ensemble type may include results that also contain additional instruments.
    • e.g. 10 of the 23 results for "Pierrot Ensemble" include an additional solo voice
  • Searching for any ensemble term, such as "Orchestra," will bring back any result that uses the word "orchestra" in any part of the score, not only the title.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I find works for solo instrument?
    • The best way to search for solo works is to use the instrument name or voice type. This search will return more than exclusively solo works, however results with your search term in the title will be higher on the list.
  • How can I find works for a specific ensemble?
    • At this time, the only way to search for an ensemble is to search the ensemble name.
  • Do some ensemble searches work better than others?
    • Yes, ensembles that have more works in the collection will bring back more successful pages of results, whereas less popular ensemble searches may contain search results that are not relevant to your needs.
      • For example, the search for "Pierrot Ensemble" brings back 23 scores, and includes one score for a flute trio, because the composer references Pierrot ensembles in their introduction.

Collection Statistics

Time Period Scores Uploaded Uses Downloads
2020 5,514 30,461 11,386
2021 11 40,706 18,646
2022 1 49.084 24,076
2023 12 41,488 17,752
1/2024 2 7,392 4,234
2/2024 4 4,070 1,589
3/2024 1 6,208 2,015
4/2024 16 4,304 1,645
5/2024 8 3,842 1,475
6/2024   9,529 1,497
Total   197,084 84,315



It has taken an incredible team of talented people to make the Contemporary Music Score Collection a reality. We want to thank the entire 2020 team:

Sahfa Aboudkhil, Tinuola Awopetu, Ben Alkaly, Allison Benedetti, Ariane Bicho, Chris Brennan, Marty Brennan, Rachel Boehl, Martha Cabot, Jennifer Chan, Judy Consales, Ashleigh Darby, Emily Dearborn, Chantel Diaz, Sarah El Massry, Bob Freel, Justin Gonder, Leo Gonzalez, Callie Holmes, Sebastian Jones, Lisa Kahn, Diana King, Alan Lee, Rachel Lee, Chris Lopez, Henry Lim, Lisa Moske, Michael Nguyen, Sylvia Page, Alexander Papandrea, Ashley Peterson, Kathy Ramirez, Alicia Reiley, Betty Reyes, Bridget Risemberg, Allison Scott, Alexandra Solodkaya, Art Torres, Matthew Vest, Daniel Williford, and Sarah Yocute.