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Materials Science and Engineering

Finding UCLA Dissertations for Graduates of Specific Departments by Year

For UCLA dissertations, search the UCLA Library Catalog:

  • Click on the Advanced Search tab
  • Enter dissertations "department name" UCLA in the search box; for example, dissertations physics UCLA
  • Keep the middle drop-down menu set at "all of these words"
  • Change the right-hand drop-down menu to "subject"
  • Sort the results by date

Full-text UC dissertations since 1996 are available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

As of March 13, 2012, UCLA's Graduate Division only accepts electronic filing of theses and dissertations. Theses and dissertations filed after this date will only be accessible electronically. They can be found by searching the UCLA Library CatalogProQuest Digital Dissertations and Theses, or eScholarship. Authors may embargo theses or dissertations for up to two years, so the full text of recent theses and dissertations may not be available.

Non-UCLA users can contact the library for advice on locating UCLA dissertations. The UCLA Library does not provide interlibrary loan service to individuals unaffiliated with UCLA. However, dissertations can be lent to institutions; see information for borrowing institutions.

Dissertation Databases