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UC Library Search

Using Advanced Search

The advanced search in UC Library Search will help you conduct a more complex search of the system. 

In advanced search you can:

  • use radio buttons to toggle between search profiles
  • search a specific field of the catalog record (title, author, call number, subject heading etc.)
  • decide whether your search contains, is (exact wording), or starts with the words you type in
  • select boolean operators from a dropdown menu
  • add additional lines to your search to search different fields or keep track of your search terms
  • limit by material type or format, language, and date (see refining your results for additional options)

To use the advanced search feature, select the advanced search button to the right of the search bar. 

A screenshot of the search bar in UC Library Search

The bar will expand and display the advanced search menu.

Reference Materials

Digitized Books

Some full-text books can be found in these databases:

Recommend A Book

Is there a book that you think the library should have?  You can recommend a book purchase here.