Research Guide for TNC assignment

Geography 4/Global Studies 1 - Fall 2022


  • Review the assignment and identify information you need that may need. Note that the many of these information sources are multi-facets and you may go back to the same source for different type of information.
  • If you are going to access licensed online sources off-campus, you need to enable your VPN or Proxy Server Setup.
  • Note that some sourced listed are available online with an active Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) card. The nearest LAPL is the Westwood Branch, on Glendon, south of Wilshire (directions and hours.) You can also register for e-card and you will be able to have remote access to databases provided by LAPL.

Anytime, Anywhere Access

Technical support is provided by Bruin Online. Contact information and hours of operation is at (scroll to the bottom of the webpage).

Keeping Track of Your Project

Company Information

Step 1) Locating TNC

Step 2) More Info

After you have the name and hopefully ticker symbol, use the following to locate company financials, including executives compensation and annual reports as well as other company related information. For scholarly sources, see the next section of this guide.

Scholarly Sources

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  • Use ticker symbol to narrow down your search results. Look for company name or symbol option in the drop down box nex to the search box.
  • You may need a combination of search words in order to find the articles relevant to a particular section of your paper. e.g. (production or manufactur*) in the first search box and limit the search to aapl (ticker symbol for Apple Inc) will bring up articles related to Apple and production, manufacture, manufactures, manufacturing, ....
  • * is the truncation, asking the computer to search the stem of the search word
  • or asks the computer to look for any of these terms
  • () asks the computer to perform the search within the bracket and the cross search with search words in the next search box start with and

Other Relevant Sources


What set the databases listed below apart from free news websites is the depth and searching capabilities. For example, one can ask the computer to search how many words are apart from each other. See the search tips for each of these databases.

Others, such as trade magazine articles