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Cities in Latin America: Ancient to Modern, a K-12 Educator Workshop
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Cities in Latin America: Ancient to Modern, a K-12 Educator Workshop
This guide provides openly available digital resources for K-12 teachers to use in teaching.
Digital Projects
Research articles
Ancient Cities
Mesoamerican Codices
Los Angeles
Lesson Plans and Activities
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General Data Sources
Metropolis: World Association of Major Metropolises
Membership organization of 137 world cities which aims to promote collaboration.
OECD Stats
Metropolitan-level data for many world cities from the Organisation and Economic Development and Cooperation.
UN: Habitat
United Nations program that promotes socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and adequate shelter for all.
UN Data
Demographic and Social Statistics from the United Nations.
WHO Global Health Observatory
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a wide variety of health-related statistics on an international level.
World Bank Data
Global development data from the World Bank, searchable by hundreds of different indicators.
World Council on City Data
Standardized data from all over the world, in 17 categories.
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