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English Composition 3: Composition, Rhetoric, and Language (Fall 2023, Kipen)

Miscellaneous but Useful

Complementing the items listed in your class syllabus are other resources. 

  • Quotations can be found in many places. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations has been around for decades. The 18th edition has been digitized and is available in the Internet ArchiveOnce you get to the Internet Archive website, you can create an account and check out the book for an hour at a time.

Primary resource databases often include diaries. You just have to search in them to see what is there. Here are a few databases that might help.

Online Archive of California

The Online Archive of California has finding aids for primary source collections in all UC campuses and other contributing institutions, including libraries, special collections, archives, historical societies, and museums throughout California. To find items that are at UCLA, search the words diary or diaries or journal. You will have look at the resulting list to see if any are related to your topic. If you find something you want to look at, you will need to request it through the UCLA Library Catalog.

Why Dictionaries?

You want to sure you are using the correct word to express your ideas. If you are not sure, you should check the definition in a dictionary.