Global Studies Thesis Preparation (2014 Summer)

Resource guide for Global Studies students who will be completing their thesis by the end of Spring 2015.

Guiding Questions

  • What is your broad research idea, the one that you are most interested in or want to know more about-a topic that you will want to spend the next nine months working on?
  • What is the time period of your topic? Is it related to an event? If so, when did it take place? If it is ongoing, state when it began.
  • Who is involved? Who are the key players? How are they related to each other?
  • Where? Is it geographically specific?
  • What kind of background information would be helpful? What else would you need to know about this topic before your research?
  • Why and how are your research ideas relevant to Global Studies? What kind of details will help support your claim?
  • Is what you observed universal? If not, why not? What do they differ? What are the characteristics? Are there patterns, trends, exceptions?
  • Make notes, gather information that may be of interest in a tangible way.