History 191C: Paris: Biography of City. 1715 to Present (Winter 2015, sem 2)


Paris, 19th Century


How to search for movies about 17th, 18th, 20th century Paris or France? Go to the Explore Keywords page of the International Movie Database IMDB database!  The most effective way is to search first for the time period (17th century or 18th century or World War), and then limit the search for France or Paris.


A few films about the time period of the class:

Paris: The Luminous Years (Documentary)

The Scarlet Pimpernel


Les Misérables

Bel Ami

Cousin Bette

Digitized Historical Materials

GALLICA  is the electronic library of the French National Library. It is a searchable database of texts, maps, images,manuscripts, etc. Texts are mostly written in French, but many documents can be found by searching for proper names (e.g. Champs Elysées). 

Search for images here: Gallica Images

Search for maps here: Gallica maps

Search for texts here: Gallica books

This is an image from Gallica; a plan of the Avenue of Champs Elysées and the Place de la Concorde from 1826:

Plan d'embellissement des Champs-Elysées et de la place de la Concorde - 1